Just a small example what you'll find in their Counter-Strike: Source cs_italy server:
- not working anti-cheat system(s) - there is constant wallhack/no-recoil cheaters. EVERY SINGLE ROUND
- not properly working high latency kicker - allows huge drift in latency for long time. Also doesn't ban the laggers after 3-4 times of joining
- server has bad hit registration - sometimes bullets don't hit the target from close distances, sometimes the models pop from nowhere/will not be rendered; no matter if the player(s) has very good connection (low latency and no chokes/lost packets)
- votekick/voteban system used by players without sense - for example a random player becomes the last man standing of his team, and one of the best tactics is to barricade himself somewhere. THIS IS WRONG! The other players just can't stand the pressure of waiting the round to end - they put the guy directly on kick list ... Funny because at least 75% of the voting idiots* are low to mediocre players
- missing proper autoteambalance plugin - it is common to see players from a clan to join in different teams, of course this just screams in your eyes "TEAM SPEC CHEATERS!"
- throwing a HE grenade and hitting an enemy brings the damage done to center of your screen. Is it supposed to know that you actually hit someone and how much health points he has?
- speaking of throwing the nades - they put a plugin that disables team-flashing. Is it working? Nope. In fact you are flashed for around half an second ... The other bug is brought by the transparent models plugin which blocks players stucking in each other. Well, guess what happens when someone throws the smoke grenade through your model :|
* - I seriously think to write an IQ plugin that will block a part of people with polished brains to joining the servers
The list is longer and is in rule for the other noAim.eu servers ... So don't expect something cool to happen there. I warned you!