document.onclick = document.getElementsByTagName('td').onclick = function(e)
if ( == 'td' && != '')
document.getElementById('popupbg').style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById('popup').style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById('popupresults').style.display = "inline";
/* On this line you can put some logic for getting values and sending them to some PHP script
For example ';' can be used as SQLite table row variable for
Another example is using 'document.getElementById('popupresults').innerHTML' for visualising
the answer of the PHP script */
This small snippet works on Firefox and Chrome (not tested on IE and Opera) and does the following:
- detects the tag of a clicked element
- checks if its parent has an id (usefull for AJAXing values from some HTML table to PHP) and sends the data using your home-brew AJAX function
- reveals divs that hold popup data (div 'popup', div 'popupbg' for disabling clicking on background elements, div 'popupresults' for visualising the PHP answer; all of them can use 'display: none' or 'visibility: hidden' CSS attributes as default visual state)